The Vergko Collective Retrospective is a collection of film excerpts exploring the works of a fictional anarchist film collective in a post-capitalist, post-scarcity, spacefaring human civilization in the 2300s.

Where the Wind Stands Still (2312) – Opening Titlės Scenė
Collage Film / 2022 / 3 min / 1:1
Director, Editor
The opening titlės scenė from Where the Wind Stands Still (2312), fēturing an an(t)shənt song from the latė 1900s CE-ET: Vashti Bunyan’s “Timothy Grub.”
The Vergko Collective’s landmark 2312 domestic drama Where the Wind Stands Still is a primė examplė ov ərly post-capitalist art. Created just 80 yirs after the collapsė ov capitalism, Where the Wind exhibits the optimism and exsitėment ov the burjəning biofilist art movėment. Shot impreshunistically on silver astatidė film on the Vergko Collective’s homė planet Zǐkōngqì, WHERE THE WIND is a profoundly stirring evokashun ov the yo͞oniversal joy and lonėliness ov sentiensė.
Where the Wind Stands Still is being rerelēsed in a restorashun with ‘ou(ə)rs ov rescently uncovered behind-the-senės content. It will be publicly avālablė on V5W4C2.
Official Screening: Exploding Cinema

The Dispossessed (2311) – Takver is Gonė | Le Guin Adaptayshun Mo͞ovy Klip
Slow Cinema / 2023 / 3 min / 1:1
Director, Editor
In the midst ov a faminė, Shevek reterns homė after a long absincė to find his waifė and yung chaild havė bin rekwested far away to wurk agenst the kraisis.
The Dispossessed is the Vergko Collective’s 2311 adaptayshun ov Ursula K. Le Guin’s latė 1900s CE-ET anarkist siancė fikshun nahvul ov the samė namė. The film wus shot on silver astatidė film on the Vergko Collective’s homė planet Zǐkōngqì.